Ivan Maidanski. My student's years

Here I have published what I had produced during my long student's years (1994-1999) at the Computer Science department (CS) of the Moscow State University (MSU):

Years of study

  1. Term 1, Term 2
  2. Term 3, Term 4
  3. Term 5, Term 6
  4. Term 7, Term 8
  5. Term 9, Term 10

My Graduation Research text: "Firewall Certification Testing"

My papers...

  1. The 3rd Course Research: "IT Security Management System design automation"
  2. Article: IT security management system design methodology (The document contains minimal recommendations how to successfully design, build and maintain IT security management system)
  3. Report: IT security management automation techniques and means
  4. The 4th Course Research: "Language for Hierarchic Inter-linked specification of complex systems' Valid properties"
  5. Introduction into the graduation work: "Firewall Certification Testing"
  6. My final Report on the graduation work: "Firewall Certification Testing"
  7. Article: Firewalls technology and classification (This paper describes firewalls technology - their functioning, classification, typical structure, their virtues and shortages)
  8. Article: Net resources and their vulnerabilities (This paper classifies global net resources, their vulnerable places and wide-spread attacks exploiting described vulnerabilities)

Term 1 (the first year)

Term 2

Term 3 (the second year)

Term 4

Term 5 (the third year)

Term 6

Term 7 (the forth year)

Term 8

Term 9 (the fifth year)

Term 10

Last updated: 23-Aug-1999

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